Fun Aviation Themed Pin-Up's


Postby AADX »


In a move for more dynamic and fluent presentation of the content. I'm removing the static image galleries, and per topic entry for each set. I'm removing the separate sub forum here for the sets, and all of the FG and TOOHOT content will be being put into a coppermine photo forum gallery site. That spares me a lot of support overhead on all the files for those static html galleries, and lets that forum itself track views, information, even ratings if people want.

There are quite a few never before seen pictures and even sets that will be going in there. All of the photos from the 2009 central california shoot, another Desire set, and some out takes also never posted before. It's all good content, and time to both post it all in a more sophisticated way, and showcase it all.

Production of all these photo sessions took a lot, cost a lot, and in the end, is worth a lot to me. There are memories associated with them all. Stories and even drama. Most people see digital pictures and think that digital images cost nothing, but in actuality, all of the back end is where all the costs are. Materials, travel, equipment, supplies, props, accessories, costumes, clothes, shoes, makeup, and the list was sometimes never ending. All for the sake of making good content that could be appreciated without anyone getting in any trouble, use the resulting pictures in the little ad around a few places for some easy-onthe-eyes appeal. But the whole project was unsupported overall. I was the only real consumer of it, and it's costs and burden ended it. The TOOHOT production, well that's another story entirely, and even steeper costs.

So, all the pictures are here as value added extra material that i've produced, chartered, and fostered over five years. A vision and concept of what was possible to do, was done, was achieved, and fell on deaf eyes and hearts. I enjoyed producing FG & TH. Maybe again some year if I'm ever foolish enough to try again. All the pictures are here for all to see and enjoy. If you like them, great. If you don't, go look at something else.


No registration required there, all picture content there is in the open for guests to see. Currently ratings are enabled for giving them stars or not. Comments are OFF because of spambots. It's not really a place I want to hear comments. If there's comments about any of the FG sets, I think within this forum is better.
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