Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby aquila1004 »

AADX wrote:very nice. thinking back... wondering if that is the first ever user posted screenshot of a seawing. thank you.

Hadn't noticed, but you're right, it's the only one in this thread. Weird…the Seawing has always been one of my favorites. I believe it was the first AADx I bought (it or the M!G). Haven't got the Seaking yet but it's on my "wish list."

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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby luckyluca »

Thanks I grabbed it :) very nice!
I have to say I wished I bumped into the texan 6A/B before purchasing the LJ25, well I might have to grab this too :) ( I couldn't find the texan on the website).


AADX wrote:yes, it does. as shown in detail page

and as shown in the screenshots in topics on this page ... 6&start=90

not "on sale" just is still priced at only $10 because I'm insane.
should be much more, as outlined here. with 2048 texture, with normal mapped cockpit.. should be $20.. ... 9&start=10

but i'm crazy, it's still at only $10... for now.
or I could say, thank you for reminding me.. I'll go edit that page now. :o
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby AADX »


submitted by "cwroundabout"
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby Herbumus »

Now THAT'S a purty shot! Beautiful morning to fly over the Golden Gate.. thanks for sharing!
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby aquila1004 »

Ordinary person: "Hmm…I wonder if there's a bridge there in real life or if that's a glitch in the X-Plane roads…"
Me: "Hmm…I don't know what it is but I'll bet I can fly under it!"



PS. I looked it up on Google Maps and there IS a bridge there. It's in Caernarfon, Wales, in marginal's UK/Ireland roads package. Looks like it goes over a railway line, but the line doesn't show up in X-Plane…maybe it's not in use anymore.
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby aquila1004 »


Two of Jason's coolest-looking "real world" planes--the Velocity XL and the Colani Fanliner--in formation over Upper Michigan. I'm flying the Velocity, the Fanliner is an AI drone and no, I don't know why it has its flaps down. Getting the screenshot was a bit of an adventure since the Fanliner cruises at around 100 knots while the Velocity STALLS at 80 and doesn't have any flaps.


PS. The file name is an unfortunate coincidence, but I only noticed it after I uploaded it and I don't feel like uploading it again. Fortunately, I'm not superstitious.
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby aquila1004 »


Newly-purchased Sea King off Chicago.
So far I've been happy with just about everything I've bought here (alas, more than I can say for some other payware makers) but this is really something else. I "took delivery" at Grognet Flying Service, a seaplane base on a lake in the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan, taxied out into Lake Superior, and--after a dry run up to 100 knots and two abortive takeoff attempts--got it into the air. I headed up to Isle Royale, made a water landing at Thunder Bay, then headed back east to Sault Ste Marie (landing on actual land), then flew OGE over the Soo Locks to Lake Huron, and finally through the Mackinac Straight and south to Chicago. (Incidentally, has anybody else noticed that there's a "hole" in Lake Superior? There's a 1º x 1º square with no land and therefore no X-Plane scenery--so it defaults to sea level while the rest of the lake is at 600 feet!) There aren't many payware planes for which I'd pay 25 dollars (indeed, the only other one so far is the Bell 430, also from C74) but this one was definitely worth the money. So…how long till I can get a real one?


PS. Is "Sea King" one word or two? The descriptions on the website call it the "Seaking" but it definitely says "SEA KING" on the plane (ship?) itself. Or am I over-thinking this?
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby AADX »

aquila, those are some awesome shots. very much so. great work


"To infinity! ... and beyond!"

Early sneek peek of what will be the official Rocket Racing League, Velocity ROCKET RACER. Not sure exactly how RRL will be using it, as the online game racing item, for on screen visualization, or for virtual demonstration or showing the race on the jumbo-tron. But it's finally proceeding to the next level. Some of you may remember the Lear 25 in RRL livery, that was used to mimic the RRL real LEAR that flies race officials along the "rocket plane course"... yeah, they fly a Lear like the pace car so a plane load of people can see the course first cheek.

It's wild, and in no way mild. 2000lb thrust rocket strapped to a stripped down Velocity, far under the finished kit empty weight of 1500. and light it off. it burns straight and level at 500+, and I saw over 80,000 in a ballistic climb. Grins are in as much abundance as spincter clenching harrowing speed. :shock:
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby aquila1004 »

COOL! Looking forward to that. Would I be right in guessing that the new Bonneville addition mentioned elsewhere is a high-speed RRL/jet course…?

On a related topic, would you guys be up for some online air racing? (Is that possible?) I just got set up on X-Flightserver and I've been having fun flying online the last couple days. Haven't tried out VATSIM or IVAO yet. Anyway, just an idea.

On a kinda-related topic, whatever happened to the XST Star Trek plane? Is that still a going concern? I see the last post in its Skunkworks topic is dated September '09…

On a not-even-remotely-related topic:


Bell 430 at Silverthrone Glacier Strip in Inside Passage. Not NEARLY as hard as it looks to get up there. The 206 could probably do it just as easily.


PS. Any thoughts of a Buzz Lightyear skin for the Velocity? Not sure what gave me the idea…

PPS. I love how you can see stars in broad daylight at 15,000 feet! You'd think Austin (proud owner of a Cirrus that can go at least that high) would know better. I've never been a big fan of X-Plane stars…too close to the same brightness. In real life, a 1st magnitude star is A THOUSAND TIMES brighter than a 2nd magnitude one; in X-Plane it's four pixels instead of one. And they go at least down to 3rd or 4th magnitude, all identical little white glowing pixels.
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Re: Screenshots WALL : Tack up your pictures!

Postby aquila1004 »



Crossing the Atlantic in the Lear 25. This is the second leg of a four-leg flight, from the fly-in in Jupiter, FL, to Ireland via Bermuda, the Azores, and Lisbon. The flight from Bermuda to the Azores was 1650 nm, right at the limit of the Learjet's range. (Considering that I had about a 15-knot headwind the whole way.) During the descent into Flores airport, I was running so short on fuel I had to shut off one of the engines, which I restarted for the final approach. When I turned off the engines I was down to 30 pounds of fuel!

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