Webserver Migration Issues [NOTICE]

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Webserver Migration Issues [NOTICE]

Postby AADX »

As any visitor can now see that the migration from IXWEBHOSTING to SITE5, went ... less than as seamless as they proposed or claimed.

The migration was supposed to be transparent and seamless, but somewhat obviously, there are serious issues that have happened.

I have had a support ticket in with them for most of a week and only in the past 24 hours finally received any response and enough re-enabling to get the forum responding to even this level.

existing members can access the access-limited customer download pages without issue.
existing members can access the free downloads without issue.
(except for the phpBB debug lines all over the place)

As far as I know, new members likely cannot effectively make an account at the present time, and I cannot access the administration section to add or change any group associations for giving or changing access permissions.

Order fulfillment at this point will be static URL's directly to the zip file via email in reply to an order.


Moving forward. I suspect that this migration failed to cope with file or directory permissions which is why the php files are freaking out. I did not update the forum software files each time so to not risk having a problem. Well, we have a problem now and now is time to act on the forum server files. It is currently at version 3.0.9, highest update of 3.0.x was 3.0.14. then it went on to 3.1.x and now it's up to 3.2.x.

I plan on updating the forum software to 3.2.x in the course of the upcoming week or two, but so far the new webhost Site5 is highly awkward to access and so far I cannot even see how or where to access the account data settings such as the databases or even ftp, email or the third level url forwards such as air and fx and fg, etc.

It is a nightmare of a migration and if they jacked up my simple php forum so bad, i'm sure they are lit up by probably 30-60% of the accounts that were migrated and similar issues on fire everywhere. I'm not sure exactly how or when this forum rebuild will happen. I have downloaded the update files and instructions and I retrieve the remaining content of my move from SC to KS so I will have access to my main computer and server drives in the next few days to be able to act on this, this week.

It is funny because recently we topped 10,000 members here, and the prize gift for such a milestone. This migration trouble. LOL

I thank everyone here and don't worry, i'm still here and as I said when I get my main computer and server drives here I have plans to touch all of the planes and post updates relevant to 11.20. Nothing major of course but 'touch' them to ensure recency and compatibility etc. File version policy remains the same, keeping files a version or two lower than current x-plane version to ensure the widest usability without the plane files being newer than the x-plane version an end user may have if they don't update x-plane so often.


Don't worry. work is in progress to solve this mess and also then to update the forum software, and whatever appearance or feature updates come with that. and also aircraft updates to keep everything fresh and on track. Thanks for your continued loyalty and friendship.

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