"FX" Forum-X Online and coming up to speed...

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"FX" Forum-X Online and coming up to speed...

Postby AADX »

With many things changing in the X-Plane landscape, X-Plane iPhone/iPod app, the closure of the MSFS/FSX developer and the pouring in of MS users, combined with the continually growing X-Plane user base in general.. it has become evident that my site needed to evolve forward to better cope with the needs of the visitors, fans, customers, and provide for a more dynamic download access system.

My goal with FX, Forum-X, is to not be as much a 'forum' in the traditional sense.. I mean these days everyone and their dog have a php forum, and I do know that X-Plane.org and XPFW are the two most prominent forums for most people to use for discussions, chattering, and general x-plane use based activity. My goal in setting up and operating FX is to provide a private terminal, dealership, owners club like experience. I have enlisted the help of a few loyal and trusted friends to help cover some bases.

What I hope to provide here is a very dynamic download access system so that merely by your group associations based on your purchases, the download categories automatically appear for you, no passwords, no more secret cryptic static links to maintain in your email. One thing I learned very early on was the very strict and very legal requirements for mass email list protections, combined with being quite positive that every single one of us gets more spam and unwelcome, unsolicited notices. In some cases merely marketing prods and come-on's under the guise of newsletters. I've been on the internet long enough to know what I do like, and what I don't like. At one point in the last few months, my inbox was over 700 messages... and i'm not subscribed to anything, no frivolous subscriptions, friends & family not allowed to fwd jokes.. so i'm the first to be sensitive to wasteful prodding emails.

Combined with many topics over a long time regarding access to download, returning to access downloads, notice of updates, as well as anti-piracy measures... the next evolution, the next step is to move a portion of my operations into a dynamic system that is more fluid and more flexible. Enter the "FX".. "Forum-X"... or otherwise called "The Terminal"

So to revisit where I started this topic. What the FX Terminal IS. It is a dynamic extension of my main portfolio site, where here you will have very easy, very seamless access to dowload aircraft you've purchased. You will have the ability to subscribe, with one click, to aircraft download topics to receive instant automatic notices when aircraft are updated and new download is available. You will find Support Resources, FAQ's, News Announcement and Customer Support sections. The main website is like a printed brouchure of large pictures and purchase buttons. This Airport Terminal themed board is for dynamic information and access.

All existing download pages will now redirect to the Welcome Center here. You'll register for an account, then contact me to be added to the aircraft owner groups for items you own. Then, automatically the Owners Hanger will populate with all the planes so you can go in there and download them, and subscribe to each of them for instant notices.

Then in the future, when you buy a new model.. all you have to do is on the MESSAGE field of the Paypal order, put your MEMBER name here and we'll add it to your account.

What all this adds up to is.. eliminating all the cryptic static coded links. eliminates the need for you to retain emails with links. eliminates the issue of both not knowing when an item is updated and the need for you to manually check the download pages for recency dates. This makes it so that you manage your own account, with regard to your password and what items you're subscribed to notices for. It's a wonderfully elegant way to associate you with items you've purchased and may download anytime. It's a wonderfully elegant way for you to access your account here, downloads, information, news and service. I hope you enjoy the new Terminal.


I'd like to extend a special thank you to GlowWorm for the idea to name the sections here relative to an airport terminal, and airport facilities. From the curbside check-in, to the maintenance hangar and concourse leisure activities.

My extremely good friend "Criminy" who has done multitudes of paints for countless aircraft, has his own dedicated section for Paints, his paint projects, and his activities. If you have paint requests for any of my aircraft, Criminy is the go-to guy for anything related to repaints. He's earned my trust, and my reverence for his design, his talens, and his creativity with any paint. He's done the StarWars and StarTrek inspired paints o the Velocity, to the awesome custom designs on the Joker, Learfan and new "wild" ones on the BONE.

Stop in the Welcome Center to become familiar with the getting started info...

The paint and carpet are brand new.. so enjoy the new terminal smell while it lasts. Construction is still happening in all sections as some other things are migrated over and moved in. The FAQ section may cover some things you've always needed to know..

So, I'll wrap this up here and say WELCOME to the AIR.C74.NET Terminal. No matter what you call it.. it's here to serve you.

Jason Chandler
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Re: "FX" Forum-X Online and coming up to speed...

Postby AADX »

bqmassey wrote:BTW, I really like the way you handle distribution. It is by far the best of all of the payware creators I've bought aircraft from. The only thing that could make it better was if it was automated, but I wouldn't trade automation for the ability to
1.) have all of my purchases accessible to me in one place (the forum software)
2.) be able to redownload planes that I've lost due to computer failures, negligence, etc
3.) support/news for the aircraft right there at the same place you download it
4.) ease of checking and downloading updates.. sure beats receiving a single e-mail with a time-sensitive download link (org store)

Brandon Massey
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